I don't think the filmmakers of #Kony2012 are vain or narcissitic - a criticism which is levelled at them often. I don't think they over dramatised what has been going on. I don't think the world knowing about Joseph Kony is a bad thing. So what do I think.
I do think that leveraging a media fearful global colonial power to come and correct the errors of the last global colonial power is perhaps unwise. My own country created the north south divide of Uganda; is the US the best authority to clear it up?
I do think that the film will aid Joseph Kony to perpetuate his own myth in much the same way Mugabe did with hate media.
I do think it is good people are looking at world issues and I would like to think they will go beyond #Kony2012 and see that Uganda has needs that kill as many children as Joseph Kony.
I do think it is interesting to look at Joseph Kony's spiritual views: a man who believes he blessed by a water witch, is immortal, can breathe under water and never leaves his "safe territory".
I do think more needs to be understood about his support base that allows him to continue.
I do think Joseph Kony is an exceptional military leader and will not be beaten militarily, and that the Uganda government need to look at alternatives to military action.
I do think this is a civil war and not an international one.
Yesterday I blogged about human responsibilities so what is my human responsibility. Thank you #Kony2012 for making me question this.
1 comment:
Really appreciate your post, I have watched this media event grow with both interest and concern. Your points on the military aspect of the #Kony2012 campaign are also something that I hadn't thought through and found your points so helpful.
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